Our partners offer endless opportunities to earn eBucks

The wide range of eBucks partners covers everything from gadgets, electronics, CDs and DVDs, to travel, outdoor equipment, fashion and accessories, and daily household shopping. This means everyone can easily earn eBucks when buying what they want and need.

In-store partners

What you need to earn eBucks

Your eBucks card

How it works
Show your eBucks card at the till to earn eBucks on your purchase – no eBucks card, no eBucks from the partner.

Earn more: Pay with your qualifying FNB or RMB Private Bank card and earn eBucks from the bank AND the partner.

What you need to earn eBucks

Your qualifying bank card

How it works
Pay with your qualifying FNB or RMB Private Bank bank card and automatically earn eBucks from the partner, on top of the eBucks you earn from the bank. No need to show your eBucks card.

Online partners

What you need to earn eBucks

Your ID number

How it works

  • Choose eBucks as the payment method.
  • Enter your ID number and complete the transaction.

Subscriptions and services

What you need to earn eBucks


How it works

Simply say that you want to earn eBucks when you arrange for the service or subscription.